Hello! I’m just curious about what you guys are working on today, or you can just show a finished project if you want! Here’s one I finished around a few days ago:
I followed (with some changes) the seal pattern I made!
Hello! I’m just curious about what you guys are working on today, or you can just show a finished project if you want! Here’s one I finished around a few days ago:
I followed (with some changes) the seal pattern I made!
that is so cute! I am currently working on a gift for @TheDavisandDriscoll
how cuteee
I’m crazy market prepping, so far I’ve made 1 egg, 2 pickles, and I still need to make 4 leggy frogs, and 3 bees
Ah, sounds fun lol. I’d like to sell crochet stuff at some point too, I’ve already been making some stuff to possibly sell
I’m working on my new bunny pattern today!
Ooh nice!
Thats so cute! Im workim on testing a bunny for someone
I love the seallllll
currently working on @Scarletskies’ teapot frog!! I’m excited to finish it, but excited for the sewing part
Thank you!! <3
What aren’t I working on lol, I’m currently working on a knit tapestry, a crochet lamb and bouquet of flowers (both of which I put a pause to since I’m extremely low on stuffing) and crocheting a shawl
Oh lol, that is a lot! I totally get it though, I usually work on several different projects too