what were the highlights of your week? πŸ™Œ

I had a very productive week! I managed to finish many important tasks for Ribblr :raised_hands:
I had just a bit of spare time, in which I did some (nerd alert) fun geography trivia :earth_americas:
Plus today I had delicious tagliatelle-shaped courgettes (or zucchini - I’m not judging :sweat_smile:) - I highly recommend it!

Let’s continue to spread positivity! What were the highlights of your week?


Being retired, I am always surprised when you say it’s Friday. Love it. We are in North Eastern NE, USA and the un-seasonal spring weather was awesome. We spent a lot of time outdoors, even got a bit of a sunburn. But, I think the highlights were the many new spring growths we found. Today we even found some garlic coming up. Yay! :garlic: :sunflower:


Sounds awesome! :cherry_blossom:

unfortunately this week my old beloved laptop finally died, so we had to buy a new one (as I really need it both in working and studying)
So right now I’m transferring all of the information!
As for the crocheting, I finally started a gingham pattern sweater (I really like how it looks like!)
And we also got a couple of new shelves in my room (I’ve waited for this for more than a year hahaha)


I finished crocheting 2 new designs this week and they came out so great, which makes me so happy! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I also picked up reading again recently, and found really nice books to read this week (I have devoured them so fast :sweat_smile: ) I’m super excited to start reading again, it’s been a while…!


Sounds like an exciting week! :blush:

Hehe, mine has been a less than glamorous last couple of weeks, I have been reorganizing my craft room and some deep spring cleaning in my whole house, sigh. Except for shampooing my living room carpet, mission accomplished! I have started working on finishing a pair of fingerless mitts that were meant to be a Christmas present, better late than never, :joy::joy:.


Haha! That sounds like a good week :smile: