Hey everyone! im getting some posh yarn and I want to know which colors should I get? I plan around getting 15 skeins so I need some ideas here are the options.
what do you plan on making?
im using it for markets so things like octos, ducks, jellyfish, cows, stuff like that! <3
ohhh so def some soft pinks, whites, creams, greens, blacks, just the general colors <3
15? Ok get
Light brown
Dark brown
Dark green
Light green
I especially use the brown butter, black, white, and red velvet cake, but have used them all
I can’t chooose! Sorry, but if I would be choosing, I would probably somehow bought them all
You should get the brighter colors because it draws in the eyes of little kids. I did that once for my market and its one of the best markets i have done. But make sure you still have some deeper colors too before older kids and adults may want something, but dont like bright colors. Oh and Unicorns seem to get a lot of attention from everyone so you should get colors to make one or two of those.
The bright green towards the middle, black, white, and the orange in the corner
ok!! <3 ty mercy!!
I say, get them all! I have every single color in Posh, its my favorite!!!
Highly agree with those saying to get browns/neutrals! Very handy to grab colors you don’t use often but know you’ll need eventually
i wish haha! i dont think i can afford that though
i def will!!
Okay for ducks specifically I’d HIGHLY recommend you get brown butter, bokchoy and whipped cream! They’re on the brighter side so it’ll really pop! I have over 20 different colors of the big twist posh yarn and all of them have been absolutely gorgeous!
alright!! <3
Every main color (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink) and pastel versions, plus white!
all of them maybe just get the entire rainbow+brown, gray, black and white (also love the new pfp <3)
hehe, ty<3
I love this yarn. I use alot of white and brown. I just got some of the newer colors they came out with… bright pink… and as im using it it sounds like its breaking. I am also having trouble with making my magic circle, which i never have before. Feels like they went cheap on the new stuff. I just got all the darker blues and purples. I try to keep 1 of each on hand at all times.