Who else goes through this in class?
lol this is the same with counting rows or rounds in crochet lol
OMG! Have you ever been counting and someone just randomly just starts talking to you and you go from 13 to 36?
Yes that happens to me all the time
I for real wanna punch people for this sometimes
It’s worse with knitting cause one row is technically two so you gotta do your times tables
Oh no I haven’t tried knitting yet
You should try, at first it’ll take a lot of patience but soon it becomes second nature and you can knit without looking at the needles
Really I’ve tried before but I gave up I think I need to use a not so slippery yarn and a wooden needle. Any tips for me lol
I started with a 5mm metal needle and weight 4 yarn
Oh ok thank you so much! I will definitely try again!
ah fr
In addition to that try casting with your hands instead of with the needles, I found this to be easier when transitioning from crocheting to knitting.
Oh ok yeah sounds good I use my crochet hook for every thing crochet so it makes it harder to get used too ig
Also I know how in the tutorial videos it says to hold the yarn in your right hand, ignore them. Just hold the yarn the way you would if you were crocheting and it’ll come easier.
so true
its so annoying
Ahhh thanks!
I found that out on accident when I had picked up the needles and wrapped the yarn around my finger like I was crocheting. You can also use the same slip knot from crotchet and I’d recommend the long tail casting on method. It’s good for those that don’t have a lot of experience with needles and are just transitioning from crocheting.