[WINNERS PICKED] 🎊Giveaway🎊 A little thank you for the 2400 shop followers!


All I can see are the flying monkeys from the wizard if oz :rofl:


Thank you so so much! That’s incredibly sweet! :kissing_heart:

I love parulas! I haven’t gotten the chance to see a tropical parula yet, but I have been having many northern parulas passing through my yard recently!


Wow! Beautiful! I’ve always have had trouble drawing birds, I think its the feathers that I just can’t decide howbmuch detail to put into.

Thank you so much! I love your patterns too!


aww they look so similar!! we have birds like that coming around with the little bit of white around their eye, i don’t have a picture myself, but i could find one! they’re so cute, they sit in pairs of two and cuddle up to one another :pleading_face: sometimes you see the one burrowing its head into the other :pleading_face:
they’re called white eyes


Its so cool to see how much your shop has grown and I am continually amazed and inspired by your patterns! I feel we have so much in common! I get what you mean, i usually end up making birds look fluffy like a wolf rather than feathery hehe.


Such sweet babies! I love the green! And the white ring around their eyes are so cool! Really makes ot pop!



Bee humming bird, Canadian Loon, House Finch, Tufted Titmouse, Northern Cardinals and of course the Bald Eagle.

If my old phone wasn’t buried in a box in my closet, I’d have my own pictures of the bald eagles back home that had a nest 300 yrds from my house.


Thank you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I have to rely on color to make them recognizable

Ah this makes me miss painting :slightly_smiling_face::arrow_up_down:


Ahhhh so many beautiful birds! I’ve seen most of these guy besides the hummer! I have 4 or 5 titmice that come to my feeders and boy are they loud! They ring the dinner bell to lef everyone know “food’s here!” :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Guuuurrrrl look at yooou! Your art is amazing! You should definitely keep painting! You are so talented! I always end up taking long breaks from drawing/painting. I end up just crocheting instead haha.


Thank you! I think its been almost a year since Ive picked up a paint brush :grimacing: and a couple of months since ive actually been sketching… but I have no doubt I will pick it back up again!


Yep same here :sweat_smile: i think i might try an art challenge or something to motivate me to get back into it. An idea could be to do little character doodles of your patterns! I thought of doing that with the final photos for mine. I thought itd be a cute idea.


Congratulations on 2400 followers! That’s awesome! I love your work! My favorite bird would be the hummingbird or the bee hummingbird. I just love watching them zoom around in the yard. There is one that will come right up to my face and will just look at me before going and sitting on a tree branch. Again congratulations!


Congrats :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:
Already following your shop ofc
I like chif chafs and robins
@Pickle42 @suettle @littlemisswonderful


Lol, I have a couple pairs of Cardinals, 3 or 4 titmice, several doves, a couple different breeds of humming birds (humming bird feeders and honey suckle bushes) finches, chickadees, blue jays, blue birds, black birds, every now and then when I toss peanuts out crows come along. Of course I also have squirrels that come to the feeders too ( I purposely buy seed that includes squirrels on the list ) I like watching them all, though the Cardinals and Hummingbirds are my favorites :heart_eyes:


CONGRATS SCARLET!! I’M SO HAPPY FOR YOU :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :star_struck:
@EV13isSPOCY @binka @evalynnRose
I haven’t actually thought about it lol… Robins are very cute! And also crows, but they are more on the ‘dark and mysterious side’


Sadly they are not my photos :frowning: but maybe I should try bird photography :thinking:


Congratulations on the milestone!
My favorite bird is a cardinal, especially the bright red male! This bird holds a lot of significance in my family, and has many spiritual meanings behind it

Thanks for letting me share!


Congrats :tada::tada:

I have a lot of favourite birds so thats a hard question, I guess I will just name some of the ones I like the most.

I love ducks (especially muscovy ducks because they are the type of ducks I have as pets). I also love suberb fairy wrens, pigeons, australian magpies, rosellas, rainbow lorikeets, birds of paradise, ravens, chickens, cranes, cardinals, cockatiels, conures, eclectus, hummingbirds, and indian ring neck parrots.

Cool bird fact: did you know that female fairy wrens will sing songs to their eggs to teach their babies to speak while they are still in their eggs, then they can talk to their babies straight away after they hatch.


Congratulations!!! I love your patterns and have been following your shop for a while :bird: My fav bird is the turtledove, pretty common bird but i love their song and they make me feel at ease. :dove:


Congrats!!! I’m already following you and your shop! My favourite bird is a hummingbird

@SweetTomato @Itsfayfay4 @NessCat