WIP + Updates : Diana's Sheep Jumper

Hi everyone !
I donā€™t know if this kind of posts are allowed here but it will force me to stay active here and also i could publish here pics I donā€™t usually post on Insta :blush:

As i already mentioned in my previous post iā€™m currently working on a jumper (yeah i usually do that when summer is soon here :sweat_smile:)

This jumper is the one worn by Lady Diana, the one with sheeps. I found the pattern on Etsy (dont buy it itā€™s actually free just search Medecins Sans FrontiĆØres Diana Black Sheep Jumper ! )

So right after this message iā€™ll post an update and iā€™ll pursue until i finished this sweater. Feel free to stay tuned if you want to see the process :heart:



  • Material used : 100% Baby yarn from DMC col. 01 & 05 + a rest of black mercerized cotton for sheepā€™s eyes.
  • Needles : Circular Needles - 2.5mm Knit Proā€™s Zing and 3.00mm Symfonie wooden needles

Journal :
I created samples with rib point and one for jersey (not sure itā€™s the real name in English? :thinking:)

I choose the highest size of the pattern bc i love oversized stuffs even if iā€™m already chubby. ( My current size is between EU 40/42 and sometimes EU 38 when my colitis starts to play with me :sweat_smile:)

I had to modify ALL the pattern bc the yarn mentioned was pretty hard to find it took me around 4 h aroud for the whole pattern.

This jumper is not my first try, the first was supposed to be green and left it in a corner so now I have 25 skeins of grass green waiting to be knitted :clown_face: so this time I only ordered one skein of red and white. Those colors could be usually reused for crochet.

I started with a sleeve and all i could say is that iā€™m pretty proud.
I couldnā€™t knit a lot bc for now i usually sew a lot in my actual job but i see the sleeves is going bigger.

I only made a "mistake " : i started to make my sheep jacquard with the ā€œintarsiaā€ method bc iā€™ve been a bit lazy.
but i noticed as the yarn Iā€™m using is kinda expensive itā€™s a waste to leave those strings inside the jumper so i quickly changed for the method where you have to separate your casual skein in multiples small skeins for changing colors.

As i practice embroidery i also have embroidery cards so i wrapped my threads on it and attach them with hair clips preventing them from become that Gen 1. Pokemon who looks like a bag of noodles (idk its name in English) :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Itā€™s looking great so far, and I cant wait to see the final result!


Very nice! This is of course allowed! Iā€™m definitely interested to see how it comes out and I love the idea of keeping your updates in this one post just like a Journal! Going to check out the pattern now as well :smile:


Thanks so much :heart:


Thanks for the tellling me itā€™s allowed, since i got censured once i try to be aware about what I can post or not. :sweat_smile:

You can easily find the pattern on the website of the very old Ribblrā€™s cousin itā€™s free so enjoy :heart: not sure i can share the link here i tried once with Et.y and its single mention of the website made my post erased :disappointed_relieved:
Maybe through DM itā€™s not the sameā€¦ So if you donā€™t find it feel free to keep me in touch Iā€™ll send it :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


No worries I believe Etsy is now able to be said :smile:

That was an automatic system by Ribblr which has changed I believe, and I did find it! It looks amazing and I canā€™t wait to see how yours comes out :laughing:


Update 2 : (I promise next one will be less separated)
As i previously said iā€™m kinda more sensitive to tendinitis since i sew a lot at work (thanks god my contract ends soonā€¦)

For now, i only knitted the first row of lamb and the separating rows before the 2nd one. I appreciate to knit a bit while my bf is playing video games. It changes me from binge watching some Youtube videos and also protects him from bother me while counting my stitches and itā€™s necessary for that one :joy:

Iā€™ll have to wait a bit after the 3rd update bc Iā€™ll have to order online the needed skeins and wait for them to be delivered in my small city :sweat_smile:


Very nice! Hopefully the yarn doesnā€™t take too long to arrive :smile:

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Actually it depends where i order it. Iā€™m used to order in a huge shop in Southern France, or in Southern Spain. (Iā€™m located in middle France at 2h away from Paris)

When i order in Spain, it takes around a week to be delivered. In France it takes around a week and half :clown_face: last time it took 2 days to travel from Malaga to Barcelona and 4 days from Paris to my city. Our national shipping service is not really appreciated :joy:

I ordered yesterday and i also bought "some " embroidery threads (40 colors hehe ) bc I had the Undertaleā€™s Cross Stitch Book for Christmas but never started it :sweat_smile: my mother in law also added some stuffs so this packageā€™s going to be huge :joy:

I hope for the delivery guy the box will arrive in perfect condition bc if opened or with holes iā€™m allowed to make him stay until I check EVERYTHING is here :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

We are in a closed-day period (today is unworked, and also 8th May) so I think it will arrive next Wednesday :blush:


Ooo, this reminded me that I needed to try cross stitching lol canā€™t believe I forgot hope it arrived next Wednesday or sooner :grin:


Hehe I find now cross stitching funny, but when i was young it was so annoying for me. I did my first canvas at 6/7 yo and thatā€™s the only thing that my mother learned me.

Actually she didnā€™t take much time to learned me well and i found it was kinda annoying especially she was using some kitsch old patterns :joy:

I started again last year bc i found a lil book for kid decorations (iā€™m a 28yo kid) and I noticed that cross stitching is funny and quick to make.

I made this one in 4 hours, and the most long step is that I had to increase the size of it before so i had to redraw my pattern :joy:

And i spent my Wednesday to redraw this one pixel by pixel (bc this character wasnā€™t in the Undertaleā€™s Cross Stitch Book)


Ooo that looks great! Canā€™t even imagine how long it took to redraw Muffet! I can definitely understand learning something young but not liking it until later on lol :joy:

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