What should i make w/ this yarn
Pls link a pattern! Tysm guys!
yes this is a complete sentence ribblr!
Can you pls link a pattern @Highlandcowcrochet ?
Just so i can get a feeling of what kinda axolotl
Can i get a link pls?
Ummmmm ok
This one looks good.
I actually dont know why but my ribblr wont let me link a pattern.
The pattern i used is by Tri-Sarah-Crochets tho.
Its her no-sew mini axolotl
hear me out - a chicken - but pink - and you add a little bow or flower on its head <3<3
Ooh ! Do you have a pattern?
basically any chicken pattern i think. and the bow you can just tie or most flower patterns are super simple sorry i had one but i lost it and idk what happened