Yarn & notions linking

Hi again Team Ribblr,
I have another suggestion for an improvement. Considering your partnership with JoAnn’s, I started adding links to yarn that JoAnn’s carries whenever possible in my patterns. I primarily work with Lily’s Sugar 'n Cream cotton yarn. I buy most of my yarn from JoAnn’s and supplement with orders from Herrschner’s for colors JoAnn’s doesn’t carry. To add a link I have to navigate in a separate app to find the color, and when working on my phone that can cause problems like the Ribblr app closing before I save my work. It would be so much easier to add links to yarn and notions if common options were already populated in the Ribblr app. For example, Ravelry makes it easy to link to yarns and colorways in their database.
Thanks for considering my suggestion!

