Yarn type advice please!

Hi friends! I am new to the ribblr space and figured this is the best place to ask around for advice! I’ve been crocheting for about 12 years, but largely amigurumi and blankets.
I am hoping to crochet a cardigan for my mother-in-law (thinking that cute trendy hexagon one!) but I’m a new clothing crocheter!
Does anyone have any advice or recommendations for yarns types and brands you love for clothing?

  • any summary for types of projects you can use said recommended yarns would GREATLY appreciated!

I LOVE the Caron Coloroma Halo yarn! They have so pretty colorways, I got them at my local Joanns


I’m pretty sure the yarn brands I use here in Europe aren’t really available where you are, but some tips when it comes to yarn types is to look out for some things. It also depends on how you want the cardigan to be/behave.
*Don’t use cotton, unless you want a “colder” cardigan. Cotton is generally used for summer clothing or oven mitts etc because it doesn’t really warm up.
*Look for a yarn that doesn’t pill easily. If you find a yarn you like, look it up. Wearing something means more wear and tear than a “static” or flat object.
*Take a look at the washing instructions, especially since you want to make something for someone who doesn’t necessarily knit or use handwash-only items.
The rest is really up to you–do you want a chunky cardigan, or a more “fine” cardigan etc. Deciding what look you’d want would also help others recommend yarns :slight_smile:


I’m picky as to what is on my skin. So, yarn with bamboo and cotton feels very nice, CooBoo by Lion Brand is nice. (#3)
100% cotton feels heavy to me. But if you used a #2 weight that would feel nice.
If you want acrylic, invest in non pilling acrylic. I’ve used Big Twist (Joann’s), Premier Non pilling yarn, ( brighter colors) and Basic Stitch by Lion brand ( more like autumn color range).
Premier has #4 and #3 in non pulling solids and color ways.
Nothing on animal fibers , cuz itch.


I like my dk weight cotton. I’m in cold weather so regular cotton also. :wink: I have used Caron Simply Soft for a couple of sweaters. I think it may depend on the pattern you are making.


I LOVE Red Heart Yarn - It’s very affordable and has like 364 yards of yarn


Omg! these are such great tips, thank you so much! I honestly didn’t even think about pilling!


I love caron simply soft for blankets and making smaller stuffed animals. I have been considering using it for this cardigan but im a little nervous about it not being warm enough. Do you like caron Simply soft for colder weather too?


Red Heart is a tried and true! How does it feel on the skin as a jacket/ cardigan? I’ve only ever used it for amigurumi


The sweater I made was pretty holey, so I always wore something under it. but yes, it is an almost year round sweater for me.


It feels fine but it’s not that stretchy


Amazing! thank you!


Oh! thats great to know!! thank you!