A letter to all Ribblrs! (and announcing exciting news) 📣

Hey Ribblrs!

I’m thrilled to announce some amazing improvements and new features coming to Ribblr, starting today!

But first, some reflection :purple_heart:
It’s been 3.5 years since Ribblr came to life, and what a journey it’s been. I feel so lucky and grateful to continue building Ribblr and working toward our mission of making crafting more accessible for all crafters around the world. Seeing the impact Ribblr has had on crafters’ lives fills my heart in ways I can’t describe.

I believe it’s important to reflect as people, be proud of our journey, and recharge so we can do even better moving forward. That’s exactly what we’ve been doing recently!

Running a startup is super challenging, incredibly fun, but also really hard. It’s nearly impossible to explain the number of tasks we’re tackling and the big decisions we make every single day. Over the past few months, we’ve grown so much - with millions using Ribblr, new partners onboarded, and new team members joining us. It’s thrilling but equally challenging to balance it all, to be completely honest.

I’m also aware that in our decision-making process, there’s always a trade-off. We have to choose to focus on one thing over another. For the last 18 months, we’ve really focused on releasing new features and improvements nearly every month (sometimes every other week!). This includes new testing tools, Materials on Ribblr and Smart Match, Ribblr+, Ribblr Live, The Ribblr Show, Bundles, shop giveaways, Chat, Stories, shareable, Stash, image editing, social integration, and that’s just on top of my head! (Check it all out here.)

While I’m super proud of these incredible features, many based on your Suggestions :raised_hands: and feedback, I’m also aware that we’ve introduced new issues and bugs in the process.
Now, we’re excited to spend the next few months ironing out many of these issues to make Ribblr better than ever.

This includes user-experience fixes, user-interface improvements, and a lot more to make your experience smooth, fast, personalized, and super fun.

So… what’s new and what’s coming soon?
We started with an improved search last month that’s faster and more accurate. We’ve also launched an AI-supported help center so you can find answers quickly and easily.
Today, I’m excited to announce the first rollout of our user interface improvements. It includes new animations, faster loading speeds, a new pattern card look, new labels, messages, menus, and a faster login and registration process.

This is just the first rollout, and I honestly cannot wait for you to see everything we have lined up.
Let me know what you think in the comments below and I’ll keep you posted as we release more improvements in the coming weeks :partying_face:

Lir | Founder, Ribblr


Yay! I can’t wait! This sounds super exciting!


This is so exciting! Can’t wait :grin:


I just wanted to say, I love Ribblr!
I appreciate all the hard work that everyone puts in, to make this site so nice.
Thank you guys for your dedication, working to give us new features, and for always trying to work out the bugs as quickly as you guys can. :blush: :purple_heart:


Thank you everyone for all your kind words! :purple_heart:
Every time I tune in to the community and read your comments it really gives me a boost and reminds me why we’re doing what we’re doing, I really appreciate you sharing your excitement with us!

I can’t wait for you all to see all the different things we’ve been working on! I might also join the Ribblr show this week to give some insights… :innocent:


I’ve just had a quick look around Ribblr and I love the new features!! :purple_heart: :purple_heart:


oh my this is so exciting!!!


This is so exciting!!!


Super pumped for all this!


So exciting!! I can’t wait!


so exciting! i love how smooth it is when browsing for patterns now!


I’m so excited to see and use all of the new features! I love ribblr so much, because I can see that you all put time and effort into making this app/community a better place! :purple_heart:


I cannot imagine what all is being done behind the scenes. Very much appreciated here. I enjoy the big improvements. But I also enjoy seeing random little changes that make me smile. Like this hand shape (top right circled in red) with an R that shows I have it in right hand mode. Cute.


Omg congrats !
@ribblr I have a bug to fix, I have a white banner on the upper part of my phone whenever I go somewhere on the app. Could you help me fix that plz ?


Thank you for all your work and I appreciate taking the time to iron out the issues, even if they aren’t huge updates, will definitely increase the quality of life of the app! Excited to see what this first roll-out will offer and the next ones!

Thank You So Much Laughing GIF by Pusheen


Btw I love the new presentation as well !


A post was merged into an existing topic: Pop-up hiding screen

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Pop-up hiding screen

I’m so grateful for this app and the team behind it! I found Ribblr a couple of months after I started learning how to crochet, and it completely shaped and accelerated my crocheting experience. Thank you for all you do to make this space for crafters a wonderful experience!