Approve or reject tester button

I’m so grateful to have so many volunteering to test one of my patterns and I feel like an absolute cad hitting that “reject” button without any explanation. It seems so cold to not be able to say “thank you but I have enough testers”.
Does anyone else feel the same way?

Before you post- have you read our testing guidelines?


I’m new to Ribblr but am not offended if not selected to test. The designer might be looking for someone with more documented Ribblr experience, more Ribblr karma, or they already received enough applications. I agree “reject” is a harsh word. Maybe “waitlist,” “decline,” or “not this time” would be kinder. :smiling_face:


I’m glad I’m not alone on this :joy: it’s hard because I usually pick testers pretty quick too.


As a designer and a tester myself, I get why it’s hard to reject someone. But also, part of the job :heart: maybe an option to add a little message with the application would be nice, in the same way you can write a note when sending a gift? @Ribblr


As A Tester I Havent Received Any Rejected Msgs…I Just Note The Pattern Doesn’t Show Up In Testing Area and Move On…No Hard Feelings…So No Worries…ITS a Big Assumption To Say All Testers Feel The Same Way…But Im Sure Most Do…I Think Alot May Be Miffed If They Are Only Testing For Points Or Free Patterns…But True Testers. I Feel, Wouldnt Be As We Understand The Process!


I get how you feel, and I think that maybe saying that they can test the next pattern you release would be a nicer way to say it than “reject” or you could even gift them the pattern if you have enough testers already.

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If the people applying were actually following the guidelines that I give in the tester call, I would make a comment in the tester call post explaining why they didn’t get chosen, but since I have done 2 tester calls where I had specific things to do when applying and half or less that click the picture to apply actually followed those directions, I just click reject and move on :woman_shrugging:t3:


I’ve tested several patterns on here and I’ve applied for several. I agree with @eadutcher with what was mentioned in the note above. I don’t get reject msges but if i do get accepted, it would show up in the testing section. I mean, it’d be nice to get a message so I don’t keep stalking the chat/my testing section to see if I got accepted or not, so I make the deadline for the testing. I don’t necessarily feel bad though, but for myself, it’d be convenient if it sends a note so I don’t open the app 200 times to check if i got accepted or not​:rofl:.


I just had a tester call and had over 50 people apply and felt like garbage having to reject so many people simply because I already had enough testers. like they did nothing wrong, their makes are phenomenal and it makes me feels so bad like im telling them they arent good enough. I considered just accepting the few i needed and not even rejecting the rest of them because i didnt know if they would all recieve a message thats like “you got rejected!” its hard to not just accept everyone lol


I Agree…I do Keep Checking as Well until it gets too far into the testing time period! So yeah, a note would be a good thing…and i wouldnt feel bad about it.


Thanks for bringing that up!

A few notes to consider:

  1. Testers don’t get a notification for their application being accepted/rejected, instead they must wait for the message from the designer to start the group conversation. This way we encourage a meaningful and ongoing feedback.

  2. We reject applications, not people :slight_smile: so hopefully designers can remember that and not feel guilty.

  3. It’s important testers still read the guidelines for the test, and we also advise sharing a reply in the tester call saying you applied, and a little more about you. This is a great way for the designer to notice you in a positive way, and make an effort to show why you’re a great fit for the test.


Ty For This Info!


Thank you, that information makes me feel better. I do like the new process it is actually more streamlined.


this actually made me feel so much better! thank you for clarifying :grin:


Now I’m curious what you had lol


I didn’t think I asked for anything crazy… but most people just clicked the picture and nothing more


That doesn’t look too bad no


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