April 14th poll

Hi guys !! It’s been a while since I’ve made a poll :sweat_smile:
But I wanted to make one since spring is coming and it’s getting nicer.

  • Spring :cherry_blossom:
  • Summer :sunny:
  • Fall :maple_leaf:
  • Winter :snowflake:
  • All of them !
0 voters

Credits to @BernerCrochet and @NessCat for making such great polls! If I missed your name I’m sorry :sweat_smile:


Honestly its been so cold here is souther California, I’m dying for summer:sob:


No winter voters yet :wink:


I totally empathize I get such bad depression waiting for it to get warm :sob: it’s finally getting into the 70s here but it’s so gosh darn windy


OMG HERE TOO! The trees have been swaying like crazy :see_no_evil:

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Ikr ! It sucks to be outside enjoying the warmth when the breeze wants to blow you away :joy:


aaa- i love winter (SNOWWW) but i also love the spring bc its nice but not too hot and the weather is perfect so both :]

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as much as I hate the heat, I’m a spring/summer girl because I just can’t stand the cold! Winter used to be my favorite season but now it’s moved because I can’t with the cold, it’s literally freezing in my house rn and I can’t live like this anymore!!! I can’t stand the heat either but warm weather is perfect

Yess, it does get very Exhausting being in the 90+ heat but I’m a summer girl all the way. I like winter but it gets rlly old

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And 75-80 degree heat feels so goood
90 is hard to be in, when I was younger me and my sister would go outside to do volleyball and every five minutes we would spray ourselfs soaked with the hose and then go back to playing until we dry and then we do again :joy:

My birthday is in summer but i love fall and winter so i just chose them all lol

That’s cool my bday is in spring, it’s not typically very warm, like 50 degrees I wish it was a little warmer on my bday