Hello!! I need a new shop banner/pfp, and was wondering if anyone wanted to make me one! I’m willing to make a custom pattern for whoever makes it for me. I’m looking for something that involves a cello, a ball of yarn, and a crochet hook. You can be creative with the style! It can be hand drawn, made digitally, whatever art style you’re are comfortable with. Just comment that you’re interested and dm me with some things you’ve made previously!!! Thanks for reading all this lol
Hi Mercy! I recently posted about this, and I would be happy to do this for you! if you don’t end up liking it in the end, don’t worry, you wont have to make me something!
Thanks!! I’ll see if any more people are interested before I choose, but I’ll try and find that post
I would love to do this if your still looking!
Just dm me with some stuff you’ve already done! I’m deciding tomorrow
Hi!! I would love to design one for you, but I’ve never made a pfp for anyone before so this would be my first time!!
yes sure i’d love to!!
i would but school is on my head!
hope you find someone great! I’d offer but my art is sub-par at best lol
wanna give it a shot! how soon do you need it by? (idk if i’ll have enough time with school lol)
Oh, I Get it I was confused for a second but then I read it again. Yes I love to crochet you a banner. I literally have been wanting to crochet a banner for Someone for months
I don’t really have a set time frame
I would love to try! I’ve made a couple for some small YouTubers and drew my 2 pfp (my shop and normal account)
Oops, I forgot and went offline for a month