so i recently went to joanns (cries softly) and got white, slate gray, green, brown, and yellow yarn, but i forgot to get the mostly important one (imo) BLACK so i currently have nothing i know of to do. I love dinos and chickens especially, but im up for anything. ideas?
Hey I feel you lol !!! Here’s a list
1.Chickens and dino’s!!!
3.Four leaf clover(Since its almost st Patrick’s day)
4.You could do a dinosaur in a chicken coustme
- Cats
8.A baby chick
10.And lastly,a star!
OMG i could make a yellow dino with a pineapple leaf hat thing!!!
you can also check out the pattern wiki for ideas!
I feel like they are fall colors so a cute granny square bag would be nice
I need a pattern for that!!
yeah i thought of that or maybe of a pair of fingerless gloves, but I have a few different textures so i thought it might turn out a little weird
RIP joanns
Turtles are also so much fun to make in my opinion
Pet Accessories
Bucket Hats
Large Cuddly Amigurum (Snug-gables)
ive been wanting to make a hat for my dog but shes too big
OMG I love it!!! Great idea I would have never thought of that, happy crocheting!
Bye Joan’s :(