This is a place for people to write down what patterns they want to see and for people to sign up for said patterns, me and @Hartme were figuring it out (It was her original idea so THANKS) This is, in fact, a wiki- so you can ALL edit! WAHOOOO!
If you want to request a pattern, write down your user and then what patterns you want to see. DO NOT TAG YOURSELF.
If you want to claim one, make a lil arrow, like this: → and write down your username. When you finish creating the pattern, write COMPLETED, link it/the tester call, and maybe tag the person too!
Please don’t put two items in the same row
Edit/comment/claim/add whenever you want! Find this thread 3000 years in the future? Who cares! Grab a pattern, add a pattern- we want this to LIVE.
2 People per pattern MAX.
Add what you want here:
Bulldogcrochets- a (bebe) english bulldog, whoever makes this i will marry you /j
Bulldog cont.- a REALISTIC octopus - craftycellist (it’s in testing!)
Bulldog- Wizard cat ← lydiaiscool
Bulldog- mini snuggler
Bulldog- Hanging opossum ← lydiaiscool
Bulldog- Clown animal/human
Bulldog- STINGRAY (crossbody) BAG!!!
snugglers → thebotbyls0211 COMPLETED Kimba the Koala Snuggler: Crochet pattern | Ribblr
Praying mantis.
From Annabeth: President octopus → sashacrochets(It’s a great idea for my upcoming bundles!)
Roly-Poly!! ← PepPeppermint
more bugggsss
From Axolotlllll: TEA REX ← sashacrochets
Armadillo that rolls into a ball! ← Hartme
From Sashacrochets: A turtle that is Thanos!(Marvel)
From craftycellist: pangolin <-Hartme! (Craftycellist I’m going to be making a cute little no-sew pangolin pattern soon! I’ll tag you in the release if you want! -Hartme) → Merlin1 (I might try my hand at one)
From Craftycellist:kitsune<-BelleScrochetpatterns
From CrochetingCreations: SlowBro (the Pokemon)
From LoafOfBread: something (from omori)
WinterHyacinths: Snow leopard
WinterHyacinths: Eastern dragons
WinterHyacinths: Qilin/kirin
WinterHyacinths: Water wolf
From StitchedBySophia: MORE LIONSS
From Beantheplatypus: interesting dinosaur patterns and please please please some shark patterns
From AvaAvigurumi: Gentleman bebe hedgehog ← littlemisswonderful ← lydiaiscool
From CrochetingCreations: Gengar
From littlemisswonderful: hammerhead shark standing on 2 legs←
TheRandomCrochter (maybe?)
From littlemisswonderful: textured bags
From TheRandomCrocheter: Animal in a onsie ← AvaAvigurumi
From CrochetingSparkles14: squishmallows ← CrochetByDania (I have been working on one for while, this might be my chance to get it done)
From CrochetingSparkles14: a baby hamster <–Scarlett13 ( such a cute idea :D)
From rizzbud1014: shiba or corgi
From rizzbud1014: mermaid dragon ← CraftyCrocheter314 (maybe)
From CrochetByDania: Owl ← CrochetingSparkles14
From makki: preppy olivia rodrigo crop top
hookingpages: Sphinx
hookingpages: Animal in hoodie (dragon, raccoon, meerkat, penguin, …) ← CraftyCrocheter314
hookingpages: Astronaut animal ← AvaAvigurumi ->sashacrochets
From CrochetingCreations: Pop up alien in ufo ←
Scarlett13 (I have an idea for this :D)
TheRandomCrocheter: Animal with boba :) ← (I have a plan for this one, but it’s a SECRET.)
From Sashacrochets: spirit dragons
From AvaAvigurumi: a rabbit but in a carrot costume:) ← littlemisswonderful - I am making one for a Collab, i’ll tag u in the tester call + release :))
WinterHyacinths: A wolf or something fluffy that’d look cute with eyelash yarn :D
LittleGayFrog: Cropped vest with hood
From HooksandloopsbySkye- A schnauzer dog!
Koko_Kitty: a Stoat with a lil top hat ← AvaAvigurumi
From Annabeth: A fox ← lydiaiscool
From Chicago: a lil dino ← Sunnyvibes
From Jynx: a shark hoodie! ← MillieCrochetTurtle (love this idea! never written a
clothing pattern but now I wanna try!)
Big snuggly adorable sharkie too
Little animals with mushroom hats and butts
BrissaCr0chets: Long skirt / adjustable skirt?
From sashacrochets: any top?
From wooooooooooooow17: A chinchilla
From HooksandloopsbySkye a deer ( AvaAvigurumi I have a pattern coming out soon!)
From BelleScrochetpatterns : A flower coat/coverup (I saw one in a shop and it costed 3,000+HKD)
Sweater vest
WinterHyacinths: Doll keychain
WinterHyacinths: Fox keychain
From ripple a mushroom frogg (FrogOnAMushroom: I think LittleGayFrog has a pattern for that already!) (littleGayFrog=yes I do!)
from rizzbud1014: more pop it animals <- @HooksandloopsbySkye <-MillieCrochetTurtle
from rizzbud1014: an animal with a traffic cone hat (duck?frog? smthg like that lol) ← littlemisswonderful ← AvaAvigurumi
From rizzbud1014: hot air balloon
From rizzbud1014: something floppy so it can be weighted with marbles or smthg similar
From Matcha neol frog!!: My red eared slider, cheyenne, !
hookingpages: a leaf sheep! ← Hartme (I have wanted to make one for a long time!
From Sashacrochets: a GIANT AXOLOTL(so you can train it, hehe @Axolotlllll)
from rizzbud1014: a cat being carried away by balloons ← Sashacrochets
From Sashacrochets A cute dinosaur holding heart ← CrochetingSparkles14
From Sashacrochets australian shepherd(it’s a dog breed)
From mehkiwicrochets: a dandelion, or dandelion crown!