Deleted patterns

Does anyone else have a problem with patterns being removed from your patterns? I’ve downloaded free patterns and purchased some and I’ve had several of each deleted. Is there any way to get those back?


Interesting. I have enough patterns in my library that it would be difficult for me to know if one, paid or free had been removed.

When a designer opts to leave Ribblr, is their shop, and all their patterns removed?

As to Ribblr itself removing patterns, they would only do so if the pattern violated the terms of service or community guidelines I believe

@Ribblr ?


We aren’t aware of such an issue so please DM us with the names of designers & patterns, and if you purchased patterns please send a copy of the receipt, and we would check it.


No. Patterns remain in your library either way. :blush:


That is what I thought I remembered. I wonder what happened to the OPs patterns then?


Not sure if it applies, but if you click on Ribblr it, it will take you to the pattern. But, if the pattern is being updated, it is not live, and clicking on the name of the pattern would not take you to it anymore. Until it is live again.


I figured out the issue I believe. They don’t show all the patterns but if I notice one is missing and I type it in they show back up. But it’s hidden again once I’m done with it. Which is a bit annoying.

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Can you please provide a short video showing this so our engineers can look into it?
Thank you!


Yes, I can do that. I like this app a lot, it’s just that I have an issue with remembering things so I tend to repurchase patterns. So I like them to be visible if possible :sweat_smile:

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I also just realized while videoing. That I have patterns that repeat for some reason.


How should I send the video? It won’t let me send it

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Please try to send a link to a secure cloud for us to download or upload to imgur and share a link here.


You should also not be able to purchase a pattern twice here. When you open a pattern to the “get it now” page, it will change to “ribblr it” if you own it.


Yes, I’m aware of that on here. I’m new to this app. I’ve been on Etsy mostly and they unfortunately don’t prevent it :sweat_smile:

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