Do people ever post clothing patterns for testing on Ribblr?

I have a sweater vest pattern that I’ve been wanting to do a tester call for, but I’ve never seen others post clothing tester calls here on Ribblr. Is it because there may not be enough testers who want to test a clothing pattern? Just Amigurumi? Idk what do y’all think?


I’ve seen tester calls for clothing here on Ribblr, I even just recently finished testing a knitted sweater lol

The reason I think why there isn’t a lot of clothing to be tested is there’s just a lot more people that make amigurumi here but that’s not to say users won’t want to test clothing patterns, however the turnout could be low depending on the due date and if they happen to have enough yarn for such a big project, of course you could always post a tester call and see what happens

The way I see it, if you never post a tester call there won’t be testers and the worst thing that can happen if you post a tester call is no testers but at least by posting it there’s a chance that there’ll be testers so if you want to make a tester call go for it, but ultimately it’s up to you :smile:


That’s great to hear that you’ve seen some! You’re probably right that they sometimes get buried in the amount of Amigurumi patterns. Thanks for your take!


I agree with @ArtsAndNaps. There have been clothing tests and I’d love to see more. Just make sure that there is a long enough testing timeline for the project.

Good luck!


Thank you! You guys are giving me a boost to want to post my tester call soon! I probably will as soon as it’s ready :slight_smile:


I’ve seen clothing tester calls


I’ve just posted a tester call for a sweater myself! I wonder if there will be any interest, but let’s see…


I’ve posted clothing tester calls myself, and have been involved in a few! they definitely are here, just gotta keep an eye out for them.


No problem! Glad to see we gave you a boost to probably post your tester call :smile:


how long do you think people need for testing a simple top?

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I would guess that you’d want to see how long it takes you to make it and then give testers quite a bit longer.

Here’s a thread RE: Testing times

I wouldn’t mind testing clothing I just find for testing that it keeps my attention better if they are quick patterns. I mean if you wouldn’t mind seeing it doll sized I’d test in crochet thread. Lol, I love micro crochet.