Can you help me pick pls, thank you!!
- Golden retriever
- Labrador
- Border Collie
- German shepherd
- Poodle
- Spaniel
- Other (pls comment!)
Can you help me pick pls, thank you!!
My fav is Australian Shepard
I love them too! Super close to Border Collies in looks
I LOVE aussiedoodles!!!
(Here is a pic of one)
My word theyโre so pretty!
sausage dog and bichon!!
I love dachshunds!!
Ok so kinda related but i just wanted to say that someone in my class has a dog that just gave birth to cute little huskies! I really wish i could see them! Anyways i love most dog breeds but im not too fond of the really tiny ones like chihuahuas yk
omg how cute!! I love huskies too
Aaaaaah so adorable
Same, they can look so cute, but my ears donโt like high-pitched barking
I have 3 Pit Bull mixes and they are the sweetest most loving babies who would never even hurt a fly! Everyone I knew growing up had pit mixes and they were always the most cuddly and loving bunch
theyre so cuteee ๐ซถ๐ผ๐ซถ๐ผ
Thank you!
Corgi Cardigan and Pembroke
Ooooo so hard to pick.
I loved my pound puppies growing up which I think were a chihuahua and terrier mix.
As far as pure breeds corgi
Aww there so cute I wish I could say hi to them ๐ซถ๐ผ