How to crochet



Hello! Welcome to Ribblr I hope you enjoy it here :smile: to crochet there’s a ton of great YouTube tutorials to start, of course if there’s a specific thing in crochet you need help with I can also try to help :grin:

Something I try to do for newcomers on Ribblr :smile: if you ever need help never hesitate to ask in the community, if you need immediate answers feel free to use the help center, search in the community, or the wiki [link below] and community guidelines if needed :smile: Happy crafting! Hope to see your crafts soon as well :smile:


Hi!! If youre new to crotcheting there are a ton of tutorials online, and there is even a ribblr group chat! just click the little message buttom at the bottom of the ribble app or website and click the button that says " Ribble Chat"