So I have been really bad at not chewing on my nails, and I need to grow my nails out. Do you guys have any ideas on how I can stop?
they make a type of polish that’s super bitter, so when you try to bite them, it tastes awful
I’m not an expert but I made one of my friends to stop so I’ll try to help🫰🏼
Are you chewing them out of stress? Boredom? I find having something to do instead helps, like fidgeting with a necklace or a bracelet
You can take pictures of your nails everyday to see how they grow, and motivate yourself
And if some of them are long and some short rn I recommend cutting them short all to have a fresh start
I also had this problem a few years ago. You could try nail polish ( I hate nail polish bc it smells bad) lemon juice (never worked for me bc it tasted good hehe) , and maybe you could try and find some products, my friend also had this problem and she just Stoped and tried not to touch her nails it took about a week for her.
@frogirl @LoafOfBread @Combre
I can’t you nails polish cuz it would prevent me from makeing wudu (washing up before prayer)
ah sorry
Aw maybe umm look up some products?? Like you can put on and then you can take them off when you need.
Np ^^
I think I’m going to have to like have a chew toy (I’ve chewed though many of my shirts)
maybe something like chewing gum then?
Here are some suggestions.
A video (I haven’t watched it yet)
And some other things
Like some silicone covers or a spray.
I feel like I would just chew on the silicone thingys
add hand sanitizer on ur hands, that way when u try biting on it, you get hand sanitizer in ur mouth
yuh so stingy
I’ve done this before and after I would like it off/wash my hands
Sorry I don’t know maybe try watching the video?
I had this problem too, but then I got braces and I just haven’t chewed my nails since… now my problem is biting my lips and I don’t know how to stop that.
I had that and it made me stop completely in 2 weeks! Its very helpful and worked verh well for me
yea it worked well for me too, i haven’t done it in years thanks to that stuff