hey guys! so today i’ve been really upset because i have a booth at my local craft mall but there is someone else here that has crochet and they complained that i was COPYING their crochet. i make stuff from my own patterns and dont even hardly pay any attention to this persons items, so i had to get rid of HALF of my stuff. the thing is: half of that was not even similar to this lady’s items. i don’t want to be rude but this ticks me off. i need creative ideas of something you don’t see often in crochet so that i can sell items that people won’t complain about me copying anyone.
That sounds really rude. I like making pillows and cat beds.
thank you! any plushie ideas? that’s rly all i make
Well my grandmother bought this for me but i have an octopus and it has 2 baby’s.
The baby’s go into the whole
Um *self-promo warning* you can make my cactus pattern, it’s pretty unique :>
Also sorry if you were looking for ideas to crochet, not patterns
Also @shrimpybrimpy’s patterns, they are SO UNIQUE. <3
YES SHRIMPY!!! (i’m obsessed with her patterns)
also that sucks i’m sorry :( you definitely didn’t deserve that, and you are NOT being rude when you said it ticked you off.
That is so wrong you should just keep them up
thank you. lol i wanted to say a dif word but i shouldn’t
i can’t unless i want to not be a vendor. it’s policy to not copy each other
Yeah it just seems so wrong
what did she have at her booth?
you can make little pouches, bracelets,emotional support plushies, coasters and keychains
or you could also do one of those build a plushie stations
oh yeah ik what you mean lol
So rude! I saw a really cute hedgehog the other day maybe you could try that?
was it @ArielC’s hedgehog? i’ve made one from her pattern!
Oh nooo, that’s so sad :(
If was crochet by mia or something like that on etsy but hers is cute to!