I made a string of pearl for my desk at the office!
Looks great!
@MissWitchCrafts how pretty! I love the colors, what yarn are you using? Also what pattern are you using if you don’t mind me asking
@Winternightmare it came out so well! I think you said it was called a Lost souls pattern right, or something similar? I’ll have to give it a look it looks so cool
Using hobby lobby I love this yarn acrylic in ivory, pink and soft pink. The pattern is my own Fresh Flowers Cardigan!
I’m currently working on a bunch of pattern tests! And I just got some new yarn today so I’m trying to pump as many out as I can!! :))
Yes it’s called the Lost Souls shawl
So very shape! Also the yarn used is really neat!
(Edit: For some reason it didn’t show up as a reply but was intended for @MissWitchCrafts ! Also lovely colors on the flower cardigan; it gives sakura vibes!)
Love the chicken it’s so cute!
That’s adorableeee
Finished up this snuggler/cuddler/soother recently, pattern by ArtCraftDigital with modification by me to accommodate my larger blanket yarn and customer request for calico cat coloring. Extremely fun to pose (in case that wasn’t clear
But I’m mostly working on pattern tests right now and haven’t been finishing much else ^.^ So excited to get back to personal projects, though. I’ve got a blanket kit waiting for me when I do!
I am in love.
So many cute poses
Thank you!!! I’ve never made one in this mostly flat style before, so it was fun to see how it came together and was able to be posed differently than a traditional plush
This is beautiful
Thank you!
Very cute
Thank you so much!
Exactly what i was going for.