Multiple journals/selling makes

So I noticed like how when you make a journal for a pattern, thatā€™s automatically part of the makes that you could sell. But thereā€™s just 1 thing I kinda struggled with, like for example this journal itā€™s 1 journal but 2 different makes, Iā€™m not sure how to make a separate journal for multiple plushies of the same pattern (is that even an option?)

So my kinda question is, how to make separate journals/separate listing type things for makes? Or how to put a specific make out of a journal up for sale?

(Also itā€™s 3am now so Iā€™m going to sleep, will be able to reply to replies after waking up :heart:)


You can currently only sell one make at a time for each pattern you own.


What are the guidelines for selling makes? I presume Ribblr doesnā€™t mediate any disputes that might arise, for example if a buyer isnā€™t happy with a finished item they buy here. Sorry I didnā€™t notice the age of this thread. Havenā€™t been on Ribblr in some months


Itā€™s always okay to reply late (at least I think so), also I think ribblr might have not seen your question (idk how to answer it either) so Iā€™ll tag them @Ribblr


You should state all the terms of the sale in your makeā€™s description/notes.

Disputes should be resolved between buyers and sellers, though of course we will do our best to mediate and assist as much as we can :slight_smile: