New Shop Introduction :D.

Hi there! I’m Genevieve, the owner of Stitchy Creations.
A few things about me:
:sunny: I’m a homeschooled high schooler
:sunny: I taught myself how to knit when I was 9, and how to crochet when I was 13
:sunny: Favorite show: Doctor Who
:sunny: Favorite author: Brandon Sanderson
:sunny: Favorite movie: Legally Blonde

I’m excited to get to know everyone here and grow my crochet design business! My first pattern is set to publish on June 5th, so stay tuned for that. :wink:

Here’s a link to my shop, go ahead and give me a follow so you won’t miss all the awesome patterns to come!


Hi Genevieve! I’m Sammie! I’ve been crocheting since I was like 6! I’m also a (young) teen crocheter. My favorite animal is definitely penguins! I have 2 free patterns in my shop right now :lollipop::penguin: but I have 1 that should be up in a few days :rabbit:! I also have a manatee :seal: in testing and I am about to post a tester call for a baby cyclops! So I kind of have a lot going on right now! Anyway…I followed and I can’t wait to see what you come up with!:yellow_heart:


So nice to meet you! Thank you for introducing yourself, I’ll definitely have to go check out your shop :D.


hi genevieve
im titan_Wave (as you no)
i love to crochet, solve simple math problems, do resin, and help people. i also LOOOOOVE WING OF FIRE
Fav food : food
Fav drink : water, chocolate milk
Fav color : blue, teal, torsuies, green
Fav movie : Pokemon, How to train your Dragon, Trollhunters Rise of the titans
Fav show : Pokemon, Dragons Race to the Edge, Trollhunters, 3Below, Wizards
Fav book : Wing of Fire

:sparkles: More About me :sparkles:
:white_heart: I’m a self taught crocheter (I learned from YouTube, and ribblr now)
:white_heart: i play with stray cats around the neighborhood(there’s this orange tabby that loves me and it love it
:white_heart: I love cats and cute animals(foxs, bunnnies,etc.)

hope you have a good day(or night)

Name: Titan_Wave

My crafts: Crochet, resin, baking

Favorite color(s): blue, teal, torsuies, green

Favorite emoji: :rofl::grinning::grin::smiley::laughing::sparkles:


It’s nice to (formally) meet you!


Welcome Genevieve! You’ll love it here. I just followed you and your shop so I won’t miss anything! I’m also a homeschooled teenage crocheter, and I have 6 free patterns in my shop! (7 soon)
I love the show Troll Hunters (and all the sequels) I also love to read (don’t ask my fav)
I learned to crochet when I was 14-ish! Lol


Wait we have so much on common! XD How did I not know this


Great to meet you! Thanks for the follow, I’m gonna go check out your shop :D.


thats nice
what else do you like


Blue and teal, wings of fire, HTTYD, Harry Potter, baking


are you in the wof fa group or no???
i like of o that exept harrypoter
idk what httyd is???


No I’m not pleeease add me. HTTYD is How To Train Your Dragon.


i LOVE 0how to train your dragon
do you like/love cats


Yesss cats and dogs really all animals


HIII Im a high schooler too, i learned crochering around 8 or 9
And something i recommend is getting your patterns tested before poting because others can catch typos or other stuff you missed and help you out, but testing isnt mandatory just encouraged! :hugs:


Oh definitely! I’m currently having two of my patterns tested right now, with two more (they’re all in a set) tester calls on the way

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