New Step in Life

(Before you begin reading this does mention mental and chronic illness).

As some of you may or may not know, I am a disabled crafter. Among other things I suffer from pretty bad Endometriosis, Agoraphobia and PTSD.

Crafting has been my outlet, and also a way for me to make some extra money. At the start of this year I had the goal of being able to fund the purchase and training of a PTSD service puppy prospect.

I managed to meet that goal!

Earlier last week, we brought her home! Meet Sprout, my Euro Dobie service dog candidate. Its been a sleepless, tiresome, but also bittersweet time.

Being disabled is rough with a new puppy, especially when i already have very low/non existent energy. But, shes whip smart and the definition of a velcro dog.

We start training officially this month on the 13th.

A big shoutout to pattern creators and supporters on here, as over the last year or so Ribblr has built my confidence in a way i could have never imagined. You all have both challenged and built the very foundation of my health journey, and for that im forever grateful.

I also apologize if my messages or communication seem nonsensicle, my nerves have me up all night worrying about her lol.

Thank you again, Ribblr community.

Much love,
Aly <3


good job and wishing you more luck in the future!


Good job! And that pup is so cute!
Stay safe :heart:


Congratulations! I hope puppy is a joyous, helpful addition to your life. Wishing you peace :white_heart:


I’m glad you made it to your goal!!
Sprout is such a cute name for such a pretty doggo!
Good luck on your training journey<3 :]


Im glad that you have an endometriosis diagnosis, as it is often ignored! I am also unfortunately diagnosed with it and I know lots of people struggle to get diagnosed with it, as many doctors are convinced its just period pain. I hope that you can enjoy your life with these unfortunate problems, and that your pup will be a bundle of joy and help you feel better about life!


I’m so happy for you! Sprout is so adorable :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I hope you have a wonderful journey, I will be praying for you 🫶🏽


Aw! Sprout is so cute, I’m glad that you met your goal and was able to get her.


awe shes so cute <3 congrats ^^


I’m so glad to hear you got your service puppy training funded! And congrats on building your confidence. That’s harder than fixing a credit score, so please accept this digital pat on the back and e-hug!

But seriously, congrats. She’s so cute!


Congratulations to reaching this wonderful step in your journey! I’m so happy for you! Best of luck and health to you and your new family member :heart: Sprout is a wonderful name :smiling_face:


I’m so glad your fund was reached, I wish you and Sprout the best on your journey together! Good luck with the training :grinning:


Congratulations, Aly! You have been such a wonderful and joyous person in this community and I am so grateful for all the patterns you have tested for me! I know how difficult it can be to get through each day having so much going on physically and mentally, but know that you are AMAZING! I know your little pup is going to bring you so much joy and comfort! Sprout is such an adorable name and just by looking at her little face she seems so sweet and gentle! I hope training will be a breeze for you two! Just know that if you ever need someone to vent to, I am always here! I know I’m a bit of a stranger, but I can relate when it comes to mental and chronic illness.


I’m so happy you were able to get your service dog.
She is absolutely adorable! I wish you good luck on
her training & and pray she will be the comfort &
support that you need.:blush::pray:


:clap::clap::clap: What an amazing goal you reached… You did it!! I’m so proud of you for sticking with it, even when you had so much to struggle through to get there. I think that’s pretty inspiring and amazing, and I’m really glad you shared this. Thank you! :blush:
I’m wishing you and Sprout all the best on this next leg of your journey together!


This is so amazing to hear!
I’m also a disabled crafter, and I agree the Ribblr community is amazing. I’m so glad you were able to get this adorable puppy!


Thank you so much for sharing. We are so happy for you :purple_heart:


Our animal companions expand our lives in so many ways. I’m excited to know you finally have yours … even if its a little tiring in the beginning. You can do it, you’ll be anazing and your 4-legged buddy will be right by your side as you succeed! Just always remember, “You Are Enough”, God does not make mistakes. May he continue to bless you & bring you peace throughout your life.



Good luck and well done xx


Yay! I’m so happy for you
(I’ll be honest, I’ve always wondered if having an energy debilitating condition would make training a service dog feasible. I didn’t think I could handle training a puppy with my conditions. Now that I’ve been dealing with my toddler for the last 2 years, it’s probably similar).