Pattern storage

Hey all,
Looking for some advice.
If you have a free pattern in your wishlist and some random person “gifts” you it. Is there a way to remove from the pattern list and get back into wishlist?
I save “my patterns” tab for patterns I’m actively using or about to use and its now a mess from random people “gifting” me random free patterns from my wishlist. Which I store there to come back to later so they don’t mess up “my patterns” tab.
I just want the tabs to help me organise things as I struggle to navigate when not organised.
Any tips appreciated, thanks.


I don’t know if this helps your particular situation, but you can perhaps try temporarily archiving those patterns you’re not actively using (the free ones). You don’t lose access to the pattern, but it shows up in the archive tab instead and would possibly help keep your ‘my patterns’ tab clutter free. I’m not sure there’s a way to ungift a pattern.

You may already be acquainted with this process, and it may not be a satisfactory solution for your needs, but I wanted to share this visual of the process just in case you didn’t know. :heartbeat:


Archive them, that’s what I do.


Will they appear in my wishlist again when I do that? This is the real issue for me. Thanks


Archiving them would not put them in your wishlist. It would send them to the archive tab/folder instead.


No, they will not unless you move them back yourself.


Can you add patterns in your archive to your wishlist? Ribblr seems to remove from wishlist once “purchased”


The only other way I know of that you can get them back on your wishlist is to re-favorite them (with the heart), but I don’t think it would eliminate them from your patterns tab.

(So you would still have a copy in your patterns, but it would also be seen in your wishlist- if that makes sense :sweat_smile:)


No, I don’t believe you can.

@Ribblr, let’s ask them since I don’t know the answer to that,


I just tried and refavouriting the archived pattern seems to put them back in wishlist.
Guess I have to go through my patterns, archive and refavourite one at a time.

Thanks for your help. Its not a convenient solution but it sure is a solution


No problem! Perhaps ribblr will have another solution for you, but I’m glad you’ve got something to work with in the meanwhile. Hopefully seeing the heart in your archived patterns will help distinguish between those patterns you didn’t care for and those you just arent actively using. :heartpulse:

Good luck!


I ignore the archive tab but having them readded to my wishlist will be fine. Just gonna be a pain scrolling my patterns, finding the random pattern, archiving it, going to archive tab and refaving to go back on the wishlist.
If ribblr have a better solution that’ll be great but if not I can handle doing this to keep my organisation :blush:
I’m sure the people “gifting” other people’s free patterns are trying to do something nice but I don’t “purchase” all the free patterns for a reason :rofl:
Thanks again for the help


I think the best thing to do to prevent this from happening again would be to private your wishlist so someone can’t gift it, I believe there’s a little lock to do at the wishlist tab, also if I had done this to you sorry lol :laughing:


This is exactly what i was about to suggest. I myself might be a cause to your problem as i been randomly gifting people (sorry!)
Making the wishlist private will avoid this :slight_smile:
Personally i do what was suggested above, i archive eveything im not using and keep in “my patterns” all i want to currently work on but hope you get this solved to accomodate your needs :slight_smile:


If I private it my friends can’t gift me the paid patterns from it.
Out of curiosity, what is the purpose of going into people wishlists and sending free patterns by other designers to their patterns list? I know its not malicious, I just don’t understand the purpose of this.
I hope you don’t think I’m having a go at you. I’m sure 99% of people unde4stand and appreciate. Not everyone is confused and disorganised in life so needs the order online to balance :rofl:


So each person can grab 5 free each day, BUT someone can gift as many free each day as they want… There are some people who are constantly counting down until they can grab free again, so by others gifting the free ones it allows them to get more than 5 free each day… I hope this makes sense…
(Also I see you made member status, as you should have :grin:)


Yes like @OBabyNMore mentioned since there’s only a limit of a five free patterns a day with no limit of gifting a free pattern, I have free patterns in my list so I don’t forget to grab them after the 24 hours are up since there’s just so many amazing free patterns and only a chance to get five a day (if I remember when the time is up) although I don’t have your problem of things being disorganized :rofl: if I did I would probably use the archived option since you can always switch them in and out a will and no one is able to see those, alternatively if that’s too much work to be switching up your system you can also put in your profile at the beginning not to gift free patterns since people need to click your profile to gift you they’ll see that and hopefully it’ll stop and save your system, I also wish there was a way to organize it a bit better since I want to group amigurumi together, clothing, etc like how you can save videos on YouTube and put them into Playlists or on Pinterest where you can organize pins into boards, etc


Whoeeee! Zounds! , you made it to Regular!!



Usually if I decide I don’t wish to have a pattern in my library anymore I archive it


The problem with that is these are patterns I want later and archive is for stuff I dont like and never want to see again. Its my oubliette for patterns. So of its a nice pattern thats written well I don’t want it in the this pattern doesn’t work tab.