Chat I’m so bored and so yeah that’s why I’m making this… the revenge of the bordum
I feel like since I haven’t been as active as I used to be a lot of people don’t know a lot about me so yeah! ask away cause I’m bored and yeah…
Why is ur user OMLET
I mean like the names pretty amazing ( FOOOD AND EGGGS )
hmm…fave animal and fave yarn brand
Oo oo I got a good one! Who is your celebrity crush?
Um…what is something you’re most proud of?(something crocheted )
I’m with @Elaya
its because my friend always called me omlet and my username used to be @thelittleyarny because that’s my insta account name but I hadtaht for about 3 days and hated it and so I became my proud eggy self
I love puzzle premeir i also love lilly sugar and cream (don’t use it that much tho) I also love feels like bliss tho its really hard to crochet with and I love most thinner yarns
edit: (I didn’t see you asked what my fav animal was) my favorite animal is either a duck or a tiger
Chat you already know this pookie!
sebastian stan
danny remirez (with his short hair and without the mustache)
andrew garfeild
hayden christiansen
he is a 4 foot dragon and he is literally my son!
I’m also very proud of clementine (I sadly don’t a pic) but shes my giant orange octopus
when did you become a SW fan?
what’s ur fav SW movie?
do you like the chronicles of narnia?
i was adopted into a family who is big on sw so I was just kind raised with it
revenge of the sith! its the saddest one but you can’t have the rest of the movies without it
I have never read or watched narnia
omg u need to read narnia it’s so good!
yeeesss revenge of the sith is my fav too
do you have gudetamas number…?
(also do u remember meh )
Pookie is that even a question ofc I remember you!!!
and I may or maynot have it he is my cousin after all