Qotd - May 5

hi everyone! so, as we all know, our friend @anon12722758 has left ribblr, and so ive decided that i would take over the question of the day! at least for now. (if she told someone that they could do it, just pm me and ill stop :]) truth be told, ribblr wouldnt feel the same without a qotd.
so, here it is:
whats your most cherished ribblr memory?
mine was staying up late at night with @SweetTomato and @Abug1249 , laughing our heads off, and forming the earliest form of the cow crew.


goodness there’s a lot of them, but uh …
Maybe staying up until 4 am to play dnd with betty and the crazy shit that would happen, but it was always so fun.
or, again, staying up all night in some of the worst times in my life, and y’all making me able to smile again (I miss you chubbs </3)


no matter who you play with, dnd at 4am is always wild. but its so fun :sparkles:


For realll, bills sessions are amazing, bettys were too, allover so fun :sparkles:


Getting pm from @ForgottenStrawberryEm and @Jbear13 always makes me happy! Love you guys!


Awh @MaddiIdell love you friend!!

My most cherished memory (there are so many!!) is probably a test I did for @kasza

It lasted a good month or so and everyone was active in the chat. It was a fun experience and it felt like everyone was really working together on a project even when we were in different countries.

I love ribblr and all of our Ribblr-ites!:yellow_heart:


DnD with my fellow nerdy ribblrs /pos (:


Probably the time it was 12 am for me and me Ford and Cor were playing truth or dare amd cor ate a icecream cone with beef jerkey and an olive.


Yessss the late night mess was so fun! Tbh, that’s probably my favourite memory too! Or just meeting all you amazing people and feeling welcomed basically as soon as I joined


aawwee- well, whenever i get to talk with ma pooks
( @nesscat, @maddiecore, @sakuracrochets, and @littlemisswonderful )
they always bring me such joy w/ their ways, i love your sense of humor guys- ilysm pooks
:people_hugging: every memory i have with em is cherishing enough :heart:


Some close runner ups:

  • My very first day on ribblr I signed up for a tester call and got in! It was for this cute little dino and I ended up finishing it in one day!
  • I saw @BumbleNBunny post that she made a butterfly to get out of a creative block. I loved it so much and wanted to make it as a gift for my sister’s 16th birthday. I asked if she could tag me in a tester call and she said yes! It took a little longer than she expected so I messaged her about it and she finished writing the pattern just for me. There were only about 4 testers and I got to be one of them! I am so grateful that Cece did a small act of kindness that really made my day (and my sister’s!)

The real answer: I just participated in my very forst collab- the candy collab! I worked hard on making a lollipop pattern and testing it. After everyone was done, I designed the listing in Ribblr with the help pf @NessCat. She helped me a lot and has realy started becoming one of my close ribblr friends. I posted the pattern only 4 days ago and I have gained over 70 followers and a whopping 144 people have it in their wishlist. Not to mention 25 people applied to the tester call! It just really made my week to see that people like something that i made that much! I hope that I can continue to make patterns that are unique and lots of people enjoy them. I want to do a giveaway when I get to 100 followers and 150+ wishlists as well!:yellow_heart:


I have got to agree with you! That was amazing :heart:


um i would say