What are you most afraid of? I wanna see ur most exotic, crazee fears :3
I’m have trypophobia, the fear of weird patterns like honeycomb and strawberries up close . (DO NOT LOOK IT UP IF THIS SOUNDS DISGUSTING, TRUST ME)
I’m scared of elevators, scorpions, being watched, vomit, and old men (that’s all I can think of rn lol)
Trypophobia and butterflies
sameee. my brother traumatized me by showing me this pic of this guy with like honeycomb on his neck i can’t even explain it really. i hate holes too and like small things in clusters
Ikr one time i had a breakdown bc of it
I have trypophobia, autophobia and (the fear of being alone) claustrophobia ( the fear of small spaces (that’s the only one’s i now the phobia name for)
I am also afraid of big crowds, deep waters, heights like i just really hate them and i get panic attacks very eaily bc of heights i am also scared of cows (like they are so big and they can just trample you) and also clowns
trypophobia in most cases (especially road rash shudder), escalators, the fear of what’s I n the dark (forget that name of it haha), and I’m terrified of riding on moving objects like scooters and bikes though cars and roller skates sre fine 99% of the time (yummy trauma)
So, I’m not sure if these are real fears cuz they’re oddly specific, but i have the fear of the vacuum sucking up my feet and I have the fear of my mom’s electric fly swater shocking me . Also im not afraid of the dark, but i am afraid of what could be in it, whether that be something unexplainable or something like a bear
Tropophobia, what’s in the dark, and clowns
I’m scared of heights, like i can’t climb up past the second rung of a ladder. but i think the worse one is i am terrified of deep water, just like even a lake where you stretch and can feel the cold water below you, it’s awful i hate it
claustrophobia, being alone, clowns, drowning, creepy smile( i couldnt watch the movie smile without wanting to cry) dying alone and being watched or followed
I’m afraid of something creeping up on me in the dark because of( I’m not sating ghosts are real, but) ghosts.
The fly swatter is crazy lol! No but it actually sounds terrifying
I know
I have claustrophobia definitely… I’m scared of falling off of things, not exactly heights, but if I’m on say a trail and there’s a drop off the edge I’m scared
Trypophobia (holes) claustrophobia (small spaces) megalaphobia (large things) thalassaphobia (large bodies of water) Scopophobia (fear of being watched) haphaphobia (fear of being touched)
scopophobia is so real
I forgot to mention im deathly afraid of fish (alive in lakes, oceans, etc) i have mental breakdowns if one touches me while im swimming
bees and machinery/statues under water. worse if they’re abandoned.
Spiders mainly, rlly high heights(only cuz I’m scared of falling) throwing up, being alone (bc everything sounds like someone trying to break in )