Share Your Embarrassing Childhood Stories Here!

Hey guys, this is a space to share your embarrassing/funny childhood (or recent I guess) stories! Here’s one of mine: when I was like 7 or smth, I was really into cartoons, as seven year olds are. I don’t remember what show it was, but someone had an imaginary friend I guess, and I thought it was so cool! In my head, I could just have a friend who always liked me, did whatever I said, etc. So basically I pretended to have an imaginary friend. I didn’t actually think I had one, I just thought it would be cool. Yeah, this lasted a day.:expressionless:
Another time, I was probably 10-ish, my sister was getting glasses. She was a bit nervous, so to help her, I wore dress up glasses the entire day, even though they were WAY to small for me… The frames were bending to fit on my face. Yeah. So, pls share your embarrassing stories so I don’t have to be the only one​:cold_sweat:


I don’t really have any. I’ll tell you if remember anything


I used to hate pulling my teeth out when I was around 7 so at one point I used to literally have two rows of teeth. One day I was running around our house acting like a chicken, (don’t ask why I don’t know why) and my brothers started calling me a Human Chicken Crocodile because my teeth and how I was acting, took a while to ditch that nickname. When I was little I used to scratch my brothers when they got annoying or we got in fights so they started calling me Baby Tiger which I hated for some reason. I think it was kinda cute now tho. Another time also when I was seven my Dad and older brothers were watching a movie but it was my bed time so I said I felt sick so I could sit and watch with them, well they were watching Lord of the Rings and it was at the part with Golem… had nightmares for a while.


I don’t remember a whole lot as I had something traumatic happen to me and most of my childhood memories where swept away with the bad ones so the only ones I remember are traumatic memories (ex: someone getting hurt, lost ect) and not the good ones


I was in my foster parents car sitting in there until it was time to go because I forgot my panty. I was 6 yrs old. At 9 in my parents house my father whip me upside down before removing an olive seed from my nostril the hospital couldn’t do it. I’m a survival of abused and broke the chain of abused.


I used to do random stuff like USING A NAIL TO WRITE ON PAINTED CABINETS!! anyway every time i did something like that my parents and grandma would say “why Pickle just why”
( btw my real name is not pickle) just using that name on here! :slightly_smiling_face: :joy: :crazy_face:


I was in kindergarten i think, and me and my bestie at the time cut these little, tiny slits in the hems of our shirts every day. Idk why we did it lol, but we thought it was “cool”


When I was 8, I had a lesbian friend. At the time I didn’t know what lesbian meant. So one day, she was sad because she was the only lesbian one around, and I said I was lesbian to cheer her up. (remember I didn’t know what it meant.) I’m straight. To this day I am embarrassed about it LOL.


When I was 6 or so I went with my dad to return his rental car (he travels a lot for work) and it was quite busy for being a rental car place. I got distracted and then I couldn’t find him and for some stupid reason I thought this one random person was my dad because they looked similar BUT THE THING IS MY DAD WAS RIGHT BEHIND ME THE WHOLE TIME :sparkles::skull::sparkles: :sparkles::sob::sparkles: