Hello, Lovely People!!! I am watching the Minions movie, and I got an idea
My idea ( like you have probably have already guessed) is to crochet a minion ( from my own pattern, of course). My only problem is which minion should I do? Stuart, Kevin or ( little babeh) Bob. If I made Bob, of course I would make him a little crown
Comment who I should make or if I should make all three
Ooooo! Personally, I would do all 3! However, my top vote is on the baby bob! If you make him a crown, you HAVE to make him a robe and his little stuffy bear
with a bit too loud voice You gotta make Bob or you’ll be with a bit too quiet voice, so nearly nobody hears cursed by my doggg dramatic side eye and then I run away, like I’m one of those crazy people who face like they can predict future