Unpublish a pattern to edit it

Since when do I have to unpublish a pattern in order to make a correction?!


As of todayā€¦yesterday I was able to edit without any problemsā€¦


Right?! I noticed that earlier. Very annoying


Angry Bobs Burgers GIF


Wow I didnā€™t notice that yet! (I havenā€™t changed a pattern yet) but that sounds so annoying!


I put in my dislike of it also. :heavy_check_mark:
Maybe we could ask why? Is there a need for this because of app issues?


Hi :wave: thanks for your feedback.
When a pattern needs to be edited it means thereā€™s an issue or error in it and therefore it must be made a draft and not be sold until the issues are corrected. You can then republish and make it live with the appropriate fixes.


Having to unpublished and republish for a one word typo seems a bit excessive, considering it was something we were able to do before.
With feedback, we will forever be finding tiny little tweeks that need to be made. I would not considere these to be " issues that prevent the pattern from being sold until they are corrected"
Judging from the response to this post, I am not wrong


now that you have made this change which is already an unnecessary pain in the butt considering it is damned near impossible to get knitting testers to make sure your pattern is perfect before you publish itā€¦ but now going in to unpublish will randomly unpublish multiple patterns in your shop at the same time!
But wait, thereā€™s more!
Only SOME of those are actually unpublished and some are only showing as unpublished, but you have to go into each one to find out which is which. And since I release my patterns in batches and will most likely have to edit the whole batch, I like to keep them together in my shop, but this roulette style editing swaps them all around and I lose track of what Iā€™m doing and which is live or private.
This sucks a whole bag of Richards, guys.You will not excuse your way into making me see how this is better than they way it was.


We are sorry you are frustrated and we are here to help, but letā€™s keep conversation civil please.

Regarding testing - this must be done before the pattern is published so it should not be affected.

Can you please send us a private message with more information regarding the issue you experienced? we will look into it and if needed fix it ASAP as we always do :blush:


I definitely understand the idea behind this, but sometimes the fixes are ā€œoops I forgot a periodā€ or ā€œI should capitalize thatā€ or ā€œI changed layouts on the pictures I attached and want to change that real quickā€ and it takes less than a minute to update. I personally feel it would be more user friendly to have the designer be able to choose whether the pattern needs to come down for major updates or if itā€™s a two second change, like the way it was set up before.


This, exactly


Thanks for sharing!
We respect your feedback and weā€™ll take it onboard.


As an editor for Maria, I used to be able to fix things without bothering her. Now, I will have to get her to un-publish and re-publish while I make changes. The major one I was waiting for until I was done with 2 or 3 more patterns, (done 28 so far) was the way you changed the yarn weight in the material list. Yes I like it and it was needed, but we always put it in ourselves, like this picture shows with the red arrow . Now, I have to go back and change all the patterns to make them better, or correct. But, I cannot do it without her any more. Kinda makes the job as ā€œeditorā€ non existent for us. Also note the word ā€œthreadā€ in the name of medium 4 yarn made it list as ā€œthreadā€ instead of medium. There are a lot of issues I will need to deal with.

I really appreciate what you are trying to do, but maybe proactive on new patterns would be better.


so I was sitting around thinking the other day, and I decided that I am not done beating this horse yet. Iā€™m talking about the having to unpublish in order to edit.
Hear me out.
All edits I make to a pattern are supposed to be reflected in real time to everyone that purchased the pattern. Unpublishing a pattern does not affect anyone that has already purchased a pattern, nor does it seem to affect the wishlists that the pattern may have been on. So, if I discover an error in my pattern and correct it, all the copies out there will be updated as well as all future copies and I retain all wishlist counts. This means that the only problem the new change has solved is any person in the future that buys the pattern will not know about any edits made prior to them purchasing it, but anyone that has already used the pattern will know about it the next time they use it and any future edits that take placeā€¦just like before. This does not prevent an unusable pattern from being published and sold, this does not result in a pattern from being removed from a wishlist if itā€™s incorrect, this does not prevent a pattern from being edited mid-use. I still fail to see how this was clearing up any confusion that was happening out there (as stated in the reasoning behind it) of people buying patterns that need a correction. It seems to me that the problems that could have arisen with faulty patterns being sold would have been better addressed in the review portion of the program. Like halting the sales of a pattern that has a negative review until it has been verified to not be designer error.


I have a minor error in a pattern that Iā€™m holding off editing. I was worried it woild be removed from wishlist etc. Glad I did hold off.
I had intended to edit a pattern to add optional features lole accessories. I guess I wonā€™t be adding these now.
Thanks for clarification on some things


as far as I have been able to tell, it will not remove the wishlists


Thanks for more clarification.
Tbf Iā€™d forget to republish a pattern anyway so wonā€™t bother messing with stuff.
I loked how smooth and easy it was before


you COULD instead make a separate free oattern for the optional accessories :smile_cat:

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I prefer the idea of it being together. Its already difficult for my to track stats on the patterns Iā€™ve released without having tiny patterns for optional add ons. I know this is a me thing though.