✨💕Welcome my friend💕✨

Hay! I just wanna welcome @luccrochets to the ribblr community​:smiling_face:! She’s super nice and a really quick learner! She’s been crocheting for a month or two and has already made her own pattern! Make sure to follow her and her shop!

Stay safe​:two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts:


Welcome to the community @luccrochets! We’re so glad to have you here, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! If you ever have any questions, need help, or just wanna talk to someone, feel free to message me <3


omg welcomee @luccrochets ! this is such a great community to be apart of, we’re so happy you’re here! i’m maddie so if you need any help don’t hesitate to pm (private message) me or just use the ribblr help center!
happy crocheting! <3