What do you do, other than your yarn crafts?

I know on Ribblr we have knitting, crocheting, and sewing enthusiasts, and I love that. But, as I was sitting here working on another side hobby, I wondered… what do you all do?

A bit about myself is I have a bachelor’s degree in Biology as well as in English - The latter being one I can indulge in more with my physical limitations. I absolutely adore writing fiction, lately, I’ve enjoyed dabbling in poetry. Specifically, I’ve been loving haikus.

So, what do you like to do, other than your craft?


I do some cake decorating. I also do some cross-stitch and embroidery. I do a few different things with my cricut like, earrings, clothing, etc. I do some photography. I also have a few aquariums with lots of fish, and 7 chickens.


Sounds very good! :slight_smile:
Every year I have a new hobby besides crocheting: resin jewelry, quilling, painting (with acrylic and watercolor), felting (needle and wet), bead weaving (and crocheting), embroidering and I have all the equipment for them :sweat_smile:
The good thing about this is that I can give a new kind of gift for every Christmas, Easter and birthday :joy:


Yes, exactly. It’s perfect!


I’m certified in many healing modalities (Reiki ect) specializing in trauma based issues. Other then that I do pretty much any crafty thing under the sun just focus on crochet mostly. I used to have a bow making business and made tutus as well. It was fun until I allowed myself to get burnt out.
I like to read, I’m a bit of a movie nerd with a few series and study science stuff


I like finding anything that makes me laugh and sharing them with others. It’s a challenge to find something that has just the right response I’m looking for.
I used to read books voraciously but now listen on audio with my headphone amplifiers ( the phone and amplifiers jacked all the way up). I usually listen to my favorite preachers, podcasts, and some medical podcasts-especially those relating to long COVID. After listening a couple of times I can understand the speaker. without needing to read lips or closed captioning. I love YouTube because they add closed captioning to everything.
Another one is reading blogs- usually crochet or Bible related.
The Ribblr community is another hobby of mine. :wink:


I love to stargaze and watch rocket launches! And I’m going to college for Astronomy and Astrophysics just down the coast from Kennedy Space Center, so I get to see a whole bunch of launches now! And at home I usually stargaze with my telescope, I love seeing everything!


My two main hobbies other than crocheting are gardening and diamond dots


What is Diamond dots?


I love doing practically anything related to the arts! Writing, drawing, painting, reading, gaming, etc if I find it entertaining I’ll probably end up doing it as a hobby and I practically find everything entertaining :joy:


I enjoy crochet, knitting, cross stitch, baking, reading and diamond paintings. I have the stuff to try needle felting.
Next yearvI have set myself a challenge not to buy anything new so I try some of what I already have.
Would love a cricut but not brought one yet
Then in between all of thatvI am a mental health nurse taking on trauma informed care training at the moment


I study state science at the university - I will get my degree next summer. :relieved:
As a hobby, I read a lot and paint - reading is a daily habit for me, painting is unfortunately a very rare hobby of mine - but when I do, I even forgot to drink and eat, it makes me absolutely crazy. :sweat_smile::grin:


Thank you for sharing and congratulations on all of your success! Biology is super interesting and I think writing is a beautiful skill to have. Have you ever written a haiku about yarn crafts? :joy:

I graduated this year with my bachelor’s in business and I’ve been working in marketing for the past few years. It’s an interesting job with new challenges arising all the time. I love learning more marketing skills that I can apply to my crochet business as well.


omg wow this all sounds so amazing! :star_struck:


Nice to see a mental health colleague!
I worked in the VHA as a mental health nurse and Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner. Absolutely loved it and would be still working if it wasn’t for long COVID.
Perhaps you can add some stuff to the space:

Spread some awareness, tools, and humor !!



A little late to the topic lol but I got too many hobbies to keep track of xD

I love lots of art type things (apart from sewing and crochet) I really like sculpting and drawing (though I also sometimes paint/make stuff with punch needle, though that requires so much patience that I don’t do it often)

Also I love gaming, have been playing soooo many games for most of my life, though I also still love playing card/boardgames as well (though rn I mostly play games on my switch since I don’t have a laptop that can run nice games at the moment)

And then I’m also into tarot, it’s really fun but definitely gets almost out of hand collecting decks lol

Ohh and I still really love tennis as sport/hobby, I used to also love archery but I had to quit because the club wasn’t nice (no one around my age and no one to talk to there, didn’t feel like a welcoming club)


On top of knitting, crochet, pattern writing for both. I sew, clothing and utility. I dabble in drawing, pastels, and those adult coloring books. Pencil puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, puzzle and trivia games. I’ve dabbled in the doll makeovers. My husband and I play table top rpgs, so I make things like maps, custom character sheets, markers and dice towers. And I get to cook for a crowd whenever we host a game.
I have less demand for it now that the kids are all grown, but I love canning.
I still do hair on a handful of friends and family, but I’m pretty much retired from that, and I just putter around my house finding things to do.


I have ADHD and suspected (hopefully getting a diagnosis in December) ASD, and crafting has been my special interest for as long as I can remember; from coloring, drawing, digital art, writing, gimp/boondoggle, friendship bracelets, resin, sewing, knitting, machine knitting, embroidery, Cricut-ing, wood burning, woodworking, welding, home renovation, and more I’m probably forgetting. My next craft is bone art (responsibly sourced from natural causes or from the road)

My other hobbies are; my pets (3 cats, 2 dogs, 4 aquariums, and hopefully spring of 2024 I’ll start getting my farm animals) hunting (compound, crossbow and shotgun), fishing (I’m 30 minutes from Lake Erie), tea, gardening/house plants, reading, baking, collecting (mainly pins/buttons, Bob’s Burgers, LoZ, and teapots), video games, table top games (boardgames, MTG) and I’m a solitary-pagan which comes with its own type of collecting (rocks, crystals, tarot, candles, natural materials, etc) and dedication.

For work, my fiance and I own a Home Renovation company, he also has an archery repair business and will be competitively fishing this year. I also just starting a crafty business with my random works.

And if you’re wondering if I have free-time or any friends, the answer is no​:joy:


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it’s basically where you buy a sticky canvas with an image on it and they give you drills/diamonds to stick all over the canvas so when you are done you have a bedazzled image


sooo cool! I’m currently in Year 8 (Grade 9 in America I think) and I quite enjoy reading (don’t do that as much) I also enjoy drawing and I enjoy making lil short backstories which I incorporate into my amigurumi. I am also learning how to play the violin, it’s really hard but it’s such a beautiful instrument. <3