Hii guysss! >:3 I was wondering if anyone else has a crochet toxic trait? Mine is when I run out of stuffing, I literally CUT UP my wips to get the stuffing out of them to finish another project
I just save all my scrap yarn just in case that does happen
my toxic trait is probably having millions of wips that i never will finish (rip that moose i started and will NEVER finish)
I hoard yarn scraps
I… see a huge project that obviously needs a lotta time…
And make them anyway…
that one blanket
hmm. if i’m making a pattern and I’ve done several attempts and don’t like the old attempts anymore and want the yarn, I’ll cut them up until i can get to a point where i can unwind them. even if it takes me half an hour, and i won’t walk away. also i’m very nitpicky. if i notice i made one little mistake in my pattern like 4-5 rounds back I’ll take it all apart and restart. i’m thinking i have selective OCD
Wip blindness
I overstuff every amigurumi project. like everything is rock hard
I also murder wips for stuffing also if i run out of a color i cut them up till i can take the yarn
Also NEVER finish my wips
My toxic crochet trait is that sometimes I start a project but then halfway through I end up not liking it so I frog it, and then a couple weeks later I start it again and end up not liking it and frogging it again.
I probably have like 20 WIPs
I actually stuffed this giant strawberry I am working on perfectly
and I am so happy!!!
If a round isn’t coming out how it should for some reason, I can’t just put in an extra inc or something, I have to frog too. Maybe it’s the math teacher in me.
I tend to crochet till I physically need a break, I go hours without moving or eating and it’s so bad
I have been known to completely rework a pattern to avoid sewing, even if crocheting the peices together takes for-freaking-ever to figure out placement and it would’ve been done so much faster if I just grabbed a tapestry needle. I have to go further and figure out the No-Sew varient pattern and write it down still knowing I can never share it as it’s just reworking someone else’s pattern, but in case I ever attempt the pattern again. This is because writing it down somehow justifies the time it took to switch it to a No-Sew in the first place.
I just keep buying different types of yarn for projects and haven’t started any of them
- I never start projects
- I never finish projects
- I don’t crochet a whole lot anymore
(but I’m trying to get back into it haha)
I stay up WAAAAYYY to late just to crochet one more round….and then another…and another. Until the project is done and it’s the next day
And then it repeats
That I promise I’ll make something, actually get the pattern, materials, and everything, but never make it. Or I’ll only finish about half of it and then never touch it again. :’[