I am so so so so sorry @Scarletskies
I loved your little food guys and thought that they were very original. They didn’t look anything like the ones in that other picture I know I can’t do much to help the situation, but if you ever need someone to talk/vent to, I’m always here for you! I’m also pretty good at cheering people up! Here are some treats to help you feel better
Your patterns are amazing. Idk this just seems like a super empty threat. I would def challenge them but I can be kind of a fiery kind of person lol and realize not everyone is like that!
I’m so sorry this happened to you scarlet. I know just how you feel. I had a situation like this happen to me not long ago, but in my case the other designer was very kind and we compared our patterns to determine that they weren’t copied. I understand exactly how disheartening and frustrating this can be. I know that for me the situation I dealt with made my passion for crocheting turn in to more of a guilty and stressful hobby. It does get better with time, but I still find myself doing a lot of research before releasing any new patterns to make sure that something similar doesn’t already exist. I suppose some of that paranoia never goes away. I never wish something like this on anyone, especially not an amazing, creative, talented, and original designer like you. If you ever need to talk, I believe I can speak on the behalf of the entire ribblr community when I say, we’re here for you when you need us. Trust me when I say that it does get better, and never give up designing and creating amazing patterns that instill a deep passion for crochet inside of others. We LOVE you scarlet!!
Oh wow! Sorry this happened! I think we should all love the creativity of others even if it is similar to what we created.
Not sure what happened, but it’s really a shame we all can’t support one another!
I agree
We are here for you and we support you @Scarletskies! I can’t wait to see what else you will create!
Thats insane im very sorry this happened to you i thought it was a nice idea and original i hope that at some point you get to revist the idea.
Oh my gosh. I’m so sorry, I don’t really understand why they’re being hard headed, but I hope they one day come to understand that 2 people can have the same idea. I understand if they thought you referenced their work, but a lawsuit is taking it too far even for that. I’m so sorry if you were stressed or offended, people are just going to be people, and sadly they aren’t very nice. I hope you continue releasing patterns even though people are mean, you’re an awesome designer and honest person, so don’t let the world change that or make you scared of doing what you love! Everyone here loves you, and supports you, we’ve got your back !
If you don’t mind me asking, who sued you?
They didn’t sue her but they threatened to…
I don’t want to bring their name into it, as I certainly don’t want to send any negativity her way
I understand
Nooo I’m so sorry Scarlet. They were so cute, and you really don’t deserve this
I’m really sorry to hear that Scarlet! I honestly think this is really unfair. And threatening to take legal action is just ridiculous. They do not own the term “buddies” nor do they own the idea of putting limbs on creations. Through no fault of your own, (well maybe not doing your research, but who can blame you? You were excited about what you came up with and wanted to share! It happens.) you are in a very tough situation. I definitely think the other creator is being unreasonable here. Unfortunately I’m unsure there are any other ways to deal with this other than drop it. (And maybe revisit it another time like you said.) I totally understand not wanting to give in to people acting like bullies, but I think that this might be best for your mental well-being, and general happiness. And I agree with some of the other commenters! Maybe take a break from making patterns for a while, and do something for you! If you have a project you’ve wanted to make for a while, do that! Or binge one of your favorite shows! (I don’t know, that always makes me feel better haha) I wish you the best of luck Scarlet. I hope you figure things out, and just know that the members of Ribblr got your back.
i’m soooooo sorryyy this is happening to you
i can’t imagine how you feel right now and i’ll be praying for more joy and peace then you’ve ever experienced to come into your life this week.
What happened??
I addressed it over on my instagram, but I suppose I should have added it over here too:
Wait what did I miss?? What happened to the testing thing?
She explains it all in the tester call, I can link it if you want. (It’s really sad, tbh.)
Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry. I personally don’t think that that should’ve happened, but it’s not my choice. I hope you can find a way to still be able to release the pattern because I think it’s really cute.