Why did you start crocheting?

For anyone curious this is said cardigan


I saw this video on YouTube of people making a frog bucket hats and I fell in love so I tried to make it but it ended up in me crying :crazy_face: so my grandma taught me the basic chain and I learnt all the rest by my self um I have 1 question how do you post on Ribblr not just reply to other people thanks bye​:frog:


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I’ve always liked crocheting because my grandma crocheted quite a lot.I didn’t really crochet until October 2021.I started making a bunny and I really liked it and just the feeling that I MADE THAT.It also became really addicting :weary:


I started knitting before my kids were born. I made a few things and a couple of things for “the baby”, who is now 31!!! Where did the time go??? I quit knitting until I ended up on disability in 2010 with several major back problems, major pain, and the more sitting, standing and walking I do, the faster I will end up paralyzed from the waist down. I started knitting for something that I could do while reclining. From there I started test knitting, which led me to take a knit technical editing course, and now I can actually work instead of being stuck on disability, which is amazing! It started as something to fill in my time and I ended up with a career in the field. :grinning: Now that I’m finished my course I’m learning to crochet. :blush:




I started because I was bored over quarantine and I used to spend all my money on plushies and now I spend all my money making plushies


spending money!!


I started crochet to help manage my anxiety!


i started crocheting when some nuns at church showed me then i got adopted my parents got me yarn and thats really all


I started crocheting because of someone’s Instagram post.Before I was familiar with all the effort and time it took to making a product, I saw all these crocheted plushy’s and was very intrigued. However I couldn’t understand why this girl wanted $65 for a fairy cow… I was soon humbled when I challenged myself with making a cow and failed miserably. So because of a fairy cow plushy, I know crochet in every waking hour and I wouldn’t trade it for anything! I took a screenshot of the Girls plushy and I have it hanging up on my wall as a reminder of how I started this hobby!:heart::heart:


I started to crochet around 5 years old. My Grandma taught me every time when we’re out on vacations. She made lots and lots of crochet things as gifts for everyone.

Her crochet hooks, pattern books, yarns, and everything are all here with me now… Just like how she told me then before she got very sick and passed away.
Been using them since… :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I’m a cuteness addict :laughing: so I’m glad she taught me how to make my own cuties…
It’s also as a stress reliever to me… Helping me to manage my anxiety… :blush:

I’m so glad I found @Ribblr
Everyone is really nice and supportive here… :heart_eyes:

Thank you, everyone…
God bless you all!


Love your story @AimeeManami


Thank you, Debi… :hugs::two_hearts:


It was my New Year’s resolution a few years back to learn a new craft and crochet was the one that I enjoyed the most :relaxed:


Rainbow loom​:joy: my hook broke for my loom and my stepdad got me a crochet hook and ever since it’s been full crochet


My grandma tried to teach me when I was a kid, with absolutely zero success :rofl:. I was quite obsessed by shawls though. It’s something that’s always been on my mind. And someday, someone posted a granny square, just a simple granny square and I got so nostalgic about my grandma’s crochet. The person then proceeded to enable me big time :stuck_out_tongue: and I tried for a few hours, ended up with just a big m3ss that looked like nothing. I threw all of it in the bottom of a drawer and almost gave up. Then I decided to do further research and to try again the next day. It took me a really, really long time to actually make a row without having to frog the entire thing :rofl:. And now, I won’t stop crocheting. I crochet every day, all day.


I have items which causes me to be very fidgity and crochet goes alone way back in my family. Like farther than my great great grandma. I have been crocheting for 10 months now and have come a very long way.

Have a great day​:heart:


I have irlens which causes me to be very fidgity and crochet goes a long way back in my family. Like farther than my great great grandma. I have been crocheting for 10 months now and have come a very long way.

Have a great day❤️


I grew up knitting because my mom does, but it was super difficult for me. I started crocheting because I liked the idea of only one active loop on the hook instead of dozens!