May 2023 Feature Drop 🆕 Test like never before!

Ready to see our new feature drop?

:new: Testing: applications, karma and more!

As you might know, Ribblr already features unique and powerful testing tools like no other platform. That includes the ability to assign testers and tech editors, remove & gift testers and more.

And over the last few months we’ve collected a lot of feedback from you to improve our testing tools even further.

Apply in one second :alarm_clock:

Testers can now simply click on the image in a designer’s tester call to apply. Yes, it’s that simple!
Designers - make sure you submit the tester call by clicking the test icon in your shop next to the pattern you wish to test. We’ll automatically generate a special application link for you.

Easily approve or reject applications :heavy_check_mark:

Designers - you can find all applications on your shop manager, organized by pattern. Simply approve or reject each application.
You can s

Karma points :purple_heart:

Testers will now be awarded karma points for successful tests so they are fully rewarded. This will also make it easier for designers to select quality testers going forward.

Easier messaging :speech_balloon:

Messages sent from testers will now appear in the main group test message.
Testers can continue to use the ‘contact designer’ feature within the pattern and we’ll automatically direct them to the group message.
Designers - make sure you start a group message from your shop to enable easier messaging.

Finally, don’t forget to follow our test guidelines:

:new: Follow other makers

Starting today you can follow other makers!
Much like following a shop, head over to someone’s Makes page and hit the heart button to follow them.
We’ll let you know as soon as they start a new project!

You can find all the makers you follow on your wishlist.

:new: Milestones (for designers)

We know fulfilling it is to reach new milestones, and we want to celebrate it with you!
Starting today, we’ll email you when you reach milestones, like hitting 100 pattern sales and more. :partying_face:

:new: Up to 2x faster browsing :racing_car:

As our catalog and your patterns library continues to grow, we’ve made a lot of improvements to speed with up to 2x faster scrolling and browsing!
Thank you for your patience and your feedback as we continue to grow.

Even more…

~ New explanations for features across the platform, such as our TikTok integration
~ Bug fixes

Previous feature drops :arrow_lower_left:

Did you learn about our Ribblr bundles feature yet?

In cased you missed it - check out our previous feature drops!

Have your say :purple_heart:

We release a new feature drop every month so share your suggestions on the community tab.

Do you like one or all :new: features? Vote for one or many! :point_down:

  • Testing tools
  • Following makers
  • Milestones for designers
  • Faster browsing experience
0 voters

Holy cow! That’s almost too much to take in all at once!


We’re trying to keep it as simple and minimal as we can- but you’re right, it’s quite a lot of new stuff!


I mean, it does all revolve around one thing, but that is a lot of change


Oh my gosh ! These are awesome updates!


Thank you! We’re so happy you like it :purple_heart:


Im excited about this feature drop! Love the idea of the testing and cannot wait to see it in action! And faster browsing?! Yes pleaseee! :muscle:


Oooo this is great! Thank you Ribblr for making testing so much easier :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Squee! This is amazing! Thanks Ribblr! :tada::clap:t2::+1:t2:🫶🏻:fireworks:


Wow. I am so excited for my next test. This is very exciting! Thanks in advance. :tada:


Testing is so exciting now!! Cant wait to try it out!


Yay. This in itself is big. Thanks.


Wow, that’s some pretty cool features. Thank you


This is so great, thanks!


Yay! There barely was any problem in the first place but somehow yall made it better!


I dont know if this already exists, but there should be a tab in the posting section where you can see only the testing calls! So its easier to see them and stuff.


That karma thing… That’s been begged for since before I joined… So glad we will finally have some guidance there when choosing

Question. @Ribblr
I sometimes like to test an entire batch of patterns at the same time and don’t want to post multiple calls… Will all if this still work as a bundle or do i have to do something different in order to do this and not make 5 or 6 calls at a time?


You can sort and filter in the community the same as the pattern library by using the left hand menus


There may not be much change on the testers end, but this is a huge upgrade on the designers end!